Friday, August 15, 2014

African Buffalo

My love for wildlife photography is no secret, and neither my big black hunt for the elusive African Buffalo, well elusive only to me. I have been to so many different Big 5 parks, from Etosha in Namibia, Zambia and eventually to the so called home of the buffalo, Kruger National Park. Still no joy in finding these magnificent beasts; yes I have seen them, usually in the distance, behind long grass or trees in the distance, or only a close up of their rear ends.

I got to spend the day in Kruger with my father in-law, a pretty uneventful day in terms of spotting wild life. After we did our rounds, the day was slowly coming to an end, so we decided to call it a day and head home.

As we exit the park, 200m or so, my father in-law points out some "cattle" grazing off the side of the road, jokingly commenting on the extended wild life sightings. However, surprise-surprise, they were no cattle, they were the elusive African Buffalo on the outside of the Big 5 park, 5 metres from the car! We found them, close enough for some awesome head shots, granted the time of day may not have been perfect, and the light was a bit harsh, but I did not care, I got to photograph my long awaited African Buffalo.