Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Documenting a photo shoot.

Photographing a photo shoot where the photographer is a photographic legend; a Priceless experience, and one you should soak up, because it does not come around very often.

In 2007 I had the incredible opportunity photographing a FHM cover shoot for China. I was however not the photographer, I only documented the shoot; and to my embarrassment am unable to remember the actual photographers name; for this I apologise.

This was one of the most rewarding experiences in my memory archive, and this piece is all about sharing some of the photos, what I experienced and learnt over those couple of days.

We were on location visiting a Elephant sanctuary, where the photographer was to photograph the actress / model while posing on an elephant. My job was to capture the shoot in a documentary fashion for a certain media publishing company.

Photographers are generally known for their fluctuating moods, and on meeting my subject for the first time, it seemed he was no different. Be kind though, because he was not as thought a terrifying primadonna, he just happened to be tired from travelling all the way from China.

In fact he was one of the kindest people I have ever worked with, a wikipedia of photographic knowledge. You may think I will be whipping out his top 10 tips, but it was nothing like that; he always kept it simple, used the available light to the best of its availability. He used time as if there was none, knew what he wanted to achieve before lifting his camera, and could see the end product before looking at the proofs. That was about it, and that is what I aim for with every shoot I now approach.

The biggest advise I can give when offered such an opportunity is this; stay out of the way, listen and photograph with confidence, as if you are that legendary photographer.

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