Friday, April 18, 2014

The Black Night

As a photographer you get to meet numerous influential people; being the photographer at a conference, live concert, or in this case following Mr. Gary Player, aka The Black Night around a golf course, while attending the Nedbank Golf Challenge.

At first it was quite intimidating, especially when you are in the presence of a man of his stature. However when the man you are photographing is 100% aware of who he is and what he has achieved, yet in the same breathe has the world of respect for every other human being who he comes in contact with; then suddenly that fear disappears.

“Work hard and never give up” he would say to every young kid that would ask for his autograph; as a young man he had to overcome many of his own obstacles, and what was clear while spending time with Mr. Player, was the fact that he had very little time for people who came with excuses for not achieving their dreams.

These are the 10 commandments Mr. Player lives his life by, which enabled him success achieved by very few.
  1. Change is the price of survival.
  2. Everything in business is negotiable, except quality.
  3. A promise made is a debt incurred.
  4. For all we take in life we must pay.
  5. Persistence and common sense are more important than intelligence.
  6. The fox fears not the man who boasts by night but the man who rises early in the morning.
  7. Accept the advice of the man who loves you, though you like it not at present.
  8. Trust instinct to the end, though you cannot render any reason.
  9. The heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but that while their companions slept were toiling upward in the night.
  10. There is no substitute for personal contact.

Sharing time with The Black Night was a privilege, and in the same light it is my privilege sharing my photos of the day I got to spend with Mr. Gary Player.
For more information on The Black Night, please visit

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